The Burghers of Calais, Auguste Rodin. |
An escalator into the world at the Natural History Museum.
If you've ever met me, you probably know of my slight museum obsession. Washington DC is one of my favorite cities purely because it is full of free museums (a whole mall of them!). Although London is so much more than its free museums and galleries, she sure has an impressive collection to offer.
Some short summaries of the ones I've been to so far:
Tate Britain: Just a five minute walk from Westminster Abbey, this museum holds art from the 1500s all the way to the present day. I only had time to explore a couple of sections, but everything I saw was absolutely beautiful, especially the John Martin and JMW Turner pieces. I was particularly fond of the contemporary art sections (centerpieced by a walkable, labyrinth-type exhibit), which were really fun to look through with a friend.
Part of the walk-through contemporary exhibit at Tate Britain. |
Science Museum: A kid's (or a kid stuck in a grown-up's body) paradise. Though not as impressive as the
Exploratorium, still a fun place to spend a day with friends and interactive exhibits. Unless you bring a toddler, some parts of the museum are off-limits, but it's okay because there is lots to do. If you do decide to try to claim that one of the dozens of screaming/running toddlers is yours in an attempt to get into the kids only sections, make sure that the parent of said child is not standing right behind you. Favorite sections include the entire top floor (composed of an interactive section, a milkshake bar, and a fighter jet simulation ride that goes upside down), the energy section (more fun interactive stuff, including an energy-themed dance dance revolution), and the innovation section (current in-progress inventions, including a driverless car whose brain is modeled after the navigational capabilities of a locust).
Dinosaur exhibit at the Natural History Museum. |
Natural History Museum: Of the ones I've been to so far, this museum was probably my least favorite. That being said, if you haven't been, it's worth going (especially because it's free)! The architecture of the museum, inside and out, is stunning - ornate, nature-themed stone details, cathedral-like arches, and colorful paintings line the ceilings and walls. The dinosaur section seems to be the main attraction, but the most interesting section, by far, is the human body wing (especially the brain/optical illusion part).
London's Natural History Museum. |
I will keep the list going as I go to more museums! Hopefully by the end of the week I can add The British Museum and the National Gallery.
Apart from the museums, my life as of late has just been centered on exploring London and taking advantage of having free time, a concept I have never really managed to grasp. It has been so lovely, being able to read for leisure instead of requirement (I recently became addicted to The Hunger Games), to not constantly have to adhere to the strict confines of my google calendar. I've even had time to do some drawings! Though I would never dream of sacrificing any of my extracurricular activities just to have more free time, sometimes being on a constant schedule can be extremely exhausting. I'm grateful to have this time abroad not only to grow, but to recharge. When I return to USC, I'll be able and willing again to give it my all, hopefully this time without burning out in the process.
First completed sketch of my postcard series! The Tower Bridge. |
Street performer at the National Gallery. |
House of Parliament. |
Current work in progress :) |
After getting over a minor cold, I have also made it a priority to refrain from staying in - I didn't go abroad to be alone in my room on the computer all the time (I am currently writing this post from a
cafe I randomly stumbled upon in Bloomsbury)! In addition to some clubs and pubs with friends, I also take pleasure in wandering aimlessly around the city.
This week's city goals:
- See a show
- Make one British friend
- Try one new restaurant/cafe/pub/museum.
- Celebrate Chinese New Year and Australia Day
Baby Buddha for the New Year -- rub his belly for good luck! |
Chinatown, near Leicester Square. |
More exciting firsts from this week:
- Harry Potter Society (got sorted into Ravenclaw!)
- Dance classes in London (Hip hop and Jazz)
- Meeting my amazing roommate Amber's also amazing sister, Janel, who is also abroad!
- The start of a weekly lunch outing with my USC friend Helen
- Lebanese food!
First go at Lebanese with Janel! |
Have a great week :)
Doing a cartwheel at a park along the River Thames, near Parliament. |