Sunday, January 1, 2012

First post! On the First!

Happy New Year! Just landed in Chicago. There's a four hour layover, so I figured it would be an excellent time for my first post.

After the ridiculousness of airport security/check-in weight limits, as I sat in the Honolulu International Airport, I was suddenly hit by this overwhelming sense of anxiety; only then did I realize that I had just left my family, my friends - essentially everything I have ever known - to fly halfway across the world to a country that is almost completely foreign to me. A terrible feeling of homesickness began to settle in as I took my seat on the plane - the very thought of not being able to access my loved ones at the touch of a button was absolutely terrifying.

But perhaps this is what I need to truly grow. Despite me liking to think that I'm independent and responsible, the reality is that I am still highly reliant on others. Maybe stepping out of my comfort zone will allow me to push myself in a way that I have never had to before, to explore the full bounds of my potential.

New Years Resolutions (still open to revision): To truly live. To try at least one new thing every week. To become more organized. To give myself and what I have to offer to others without spreading myself too thin. To become more balanced in general. To be genuinely kind and to love unconditionally. To be better at keeping in touch. To develop and be the best possible version of myself.

At this point in time, I still have no idea what to expect. But now I'm kind of excited about it.

ORD at 5am on New Years. Clearly a happening place.


  1. Olivia Manayan! I didnt even know you were going to London...what the heck! How long will you be there? How did I not know this?

  2. Maddi! I'll be here for the semester :) And that's exactly why WE NEED TO CATCH UP!!!! Let me know when you're free :)
