Thursday, January 5, 2012

Come on you Spurs!

Megan's adorable but currently dead car, Norman.
After a full two days of being completely deprived of internet usage, I'm finally back online. Scary how dependent I am on google and its various apps. *Addition to new years resolutions: Be less reliant on technology. Learn how to read a map.

Oscar and Mac, the two sweetest Cocker Spaniels you will ever meet.
These past couple of days have been great. After a unhappy goodbye with the Tuckers, I got settled into my dorm. Oh communal bathrooms and narrow hallways. It's like freshman year all over again, minus the open doors and plus a single room. I have a friend from Troy Camp living just down the hall though, so I'm sure it will still be a lot of fun!

The Tuckers, also known as the best family in London.

My room after semi-moving in.

Thanks to the help of my Portuguese friend Paulo, in just two days I have gotten two weeks worth of London sightseeing done. He also took me to a football game, which was absolutely nuts; football in America is child's play compared to football in England.

Lights on Carnaby Street

Tottenham Spurs vs. West Brom - come on you Spurs!
Paulo and I at Big Ben.

I am slowly getting adjusted to the cold (not yet to the combination of cold + rain) and learning my way around. Though I must say, without the kindness of my friends, London would likely be a completely different city right now. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people.

The London Eye.

On that note, some food for thought:


Sicilian-style lobster risotto.

French-style lamb chops.

Darling sweets at Cafe Valerie.

Big Ben amongst crowded London

London at dusk.

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